I’m thrilled to announce that Baby Shoes: Celebrating Flash Fiction has made its e-book funding goal! Woot-woot! There are ten days left and we hope to make it to $2200 so that we can do a print run as well. Thank you to everyone who has contributed thus far. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to check out this amazing project that will be featuring 100 authors and 100 flash fiction stories. You’ll find some familiar names among the author list such as Linda Needham, Joe Lansdale, Danika Dinsmore, and Walter J. Williams. Yours truly will have a piece in the book called “An Affair to Forget.” I’m also honored to be among some of my favorite local authors, Katherine Valdez, Shelley Widhalm, and he who shall not be named . . . because he’s using a pen name. 😉 Thanks again for the support.
Tag Archives: flash fiction anthology
Anthology, Conference, and Contest . . .Oh My
So I have just a few reminders for you. . .
First, the Kickstarter for Baby Shoes: A Flash Fiction Anthology will be relaunching this Friday. In the meantime, check out the Facebook Page for it. My piece, “An Affair to Forget,” about a man who sees his imaginary girlfriend deep in conversation with his wife, will be nestled among 99 other authors who are participating, like Linda Needham, Joe Lansdale, Danika Dinsmore, and Walter J. Williams. This will be a great project to support, so I’ll keep you posted on the progress.
The Northern Colorado Writers Conference is open for registration. This is the 10th annual conference and as part of the Conference Creative Team, I can tell you, it’s going to be one hell of a
party conference.
And that’s a good segue into the 4th annual Top of the Mountain Book Award that we give out at the conference. You don’t have to be an NCW member (or even a Colorado resident) to enter, and the contest is open to both published and unpublished authors. You also don’t have to attend the conference to enter. Submit the first 20 pages of your fiction or creative nonfiction manuscript, plus a 3-page synopsis by February 1st, and you could win $1000. It’s so easy it’s ridiculous.
That’s it for now.
Happy writing!
Baby Steps
Okay, we’ll get there; just not as quickly as we thought. Baby Shoes, the flash fiction anthology that I’m taking part in, didn’t quite get off the ground as expected, but we’re not giving up. This Kickstarter project will launch again in January, so be on the lookout for updates. (I’ll be making sure you won’t miss a thing. 😉 ) There are a number of talented authors—many of whom you probably know—who are taking part in this anthology, so you won’t want to miss out. Stay tuned.
Some Friday Reminders
Ahhh . . . it’s Friday. I think I just heard a collective sigh of relief. Well, before your brains go into weekend mode, I wanted to post a couple of reminders about two things (you can thank me later).
There’s only 4 days left to take part in this awesome Kickstarter for a flash fiction anthology, Baby Shoes. 100 authors, 100 stories. With the amazing lineup of authors involved, it’s going to be an incredible anthology . . . if we could just reach our goal! Check it out.
My other reminder is about the Top of the Mountain Book Award sponsored by the Northern Colorado Writers. You don’t need to be a member of the NCW and the contest is open to both fiction and creative/narrative nonfiction. Check out all the rules HERE. It’s easy! You could win $1000 and recognition at the NCW Writers Conference March 27-18, 2015.
My last reminder . . . is to breathe. It’s Friday.
Have a great weekend.
Baby Shoes: A Flash Fiction Anthology
Hey, wanna support a Kickstarter anthology? Author Jason Brick, has rounded up some amazing writers (he felt sorry for me, so he included me) to take part in the flash fiction anthology, Baby Shoes. Staying true to the flash fiction concept, this anthology will be put together, well, in a flash, so we need your help. This book will feature 100 authors, 100 stories, 1000 words each. Don’t hold me to it, but there may even be a spot or two open . . . If you need a prompt, check out my last post—that’s actually where I got my inspiration for my flash fiction piece.
So friends, it would be ever-so appreciated if you could pass this along and help support this worthy writerly venture—there’s some cool perks in store for you!